Mine too, and they’ve all been married for at least a couple decades to really nice guys and have sweet, intelligent kids.
Mine too, and they’ve all been married for at least a couple decades to really nice guys and have sweet, intelligent kids.
It’s not surprising to me that Temperance Unions and the Sufferage Movement went hand in hand—there’s nothing like seeing your family’s income swilled away on booze and having no rights, no ability to do anything about your situation, and very few opportunities to be self-supporting. I’m thankful to come from a long…
Oh, the suffering in New Zealand. And Denmark. And Norway. All that horrible medical care, education, care for the environment, child and eldercare, not to mention the trauma of being regularly voted among the happiest countries on earth. Oh, the humanity!
The problem is, though, that people’s lives and circumstances tend to be more complicated than they appear on the surface. What about the people who are too disabled to have much chance of employment, but not disabled enough to count as totally disabled? Furthermore, how does denying medical care to people make them…
I grew up on an island where 90% of the citizens were either immigrants or first or second generation, mostly from Japan, the Philippines, Sweden or Norway. Very few arrived speaking English, or with any education or complex job skills—they simply didn’t have those opportunities back home. I can’t remember any racial…
Respectfully, it’s also what feels like, much of the time, to live with mental illness. I have good insurance, take my meds, see my counselor right on schedule, exercise, count my blessings, put on a happy face, and all that—sometimes—blunts the edge. But even the best treatment and the hardest work isn’t a magic…
There are many attractive bald men, and one of the things that makes them attractive is that they embrace their baldness, shave their heads or get a decent haircut, and continue on their way. Spray-on hair is a choice. A bad choice made by a bad man. It’s also a certain indicator that Mr. Miller acted like a jerk in…
Normally I wouldn’t comment on another person’s appearance, but WTF, Ann Coulter? I’m a few months older than she is and my hands are are smooth as a baby’s butt. Hers look like they belong to the Crypt Keeper. They’re like The Portrait of Dorian Grey without the portrait. Kids, this is what happens when you sell your…
Yup. *waves back*
He sits like a toddler in the early stages of toilet training being forced to use his big boy potty.
I agree. As if a country of 325.7 million is going to be totally disrupted by what amounts to the population of a moderate-sized high school. This is fear-mongering, plain and simple.
According to the GOP, “compulsive liar and partisan hack,” aren’t disqualifying character flaws, they’re actual job requirements.
I conducted a number of interviews in my working life, and if I’d ever met a person who acted the way Kavanaugh did during his, that person not only wouldn’t have been hired, I’d probably have asked security to escort him out of the building. That was not normal adult behavior and would have disqualified for any other…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the comics, wasn’t Sam Wilson (Falcon in the MCU ) Captain America for a time? Wasn’t Rhodey Rhodes (War Machine/Iron Patriot) Iron Man? Maybe an African-American kid is playing the African-American version of those characters, which are more or less based on a suit and a set of skills, …
Because I’m a folklore geek, I like to call them “Redcaps,” as in the malevolent, murderous goblins who haunt places associated with tyranny and evil acts, where they soak their caps in the blood of the slain.
I’m not arguing that Millennials don’t have major challenges (the costs of rent and college alone are horrifying), but please don’t assume we “Olds” are living lives of “minimal responsibilities.” I’m 57, caring for both my 85-year-old mom (who has moderate dementia and a host of physical disabilities), and my…
Why is it rude? English is only the common language of this country—we don’t have a national language, mostly because the people of the U.S. come from all over the world and have every right to speak the languages of their homeland or of their choice. We owe nothing to whatever strangers might happen to be…
I often have cousins visit from Sweden or Norway. They speak and write English as well as any American (if not better), but they do me the favor of speaking their native tongues when we’re together to give me practice. Oddly, no one gets offended—apparently it’s only a problem if the people speaking the non-English…
I’m not numb, I’m in a deep state of grief. I’ve lost any faith, at this point, that anything will turn out for the good. Every time I’ve told myself, “It can’t go on, someone will stop this,” I watch helplessly as our country slides further into the cesspool.
So Dolt45 refers to himself as the “Law-and order President” and calls the Democrats the “party of crime,” yet, entirely without irony, praises a man (a candidate for public office, no less) who assaulted a reporter merely doing his job by asking a perfectly legitimate question. This, after repeatedly stoking the…