
Of course The Occupant would use the “r-word” and also not have the slightest idea how offensive it is, not only to people with intellectual disabilities (many of whom follow the news, vote, and are active in politics) but to their families, the people who love them, and... oh, I don’t know... anyone who hasn’t

There really should be a band called “Nation of Jethros.”

The moon landing took place four days after my eighth birthday, and I insisted we wait to celebrate because watching it happen was the best present EVER. I can’t be bothered to check the ages of the Couch People, but
I suspect that they weren’t part of that time and don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. I

Thank you for confirming my suspicion that Ted Cruz is a blobfish that has somehow learned to live on land.

Have you ever watched certain parents at a Little League game. It’s not just the geeks.

I was planning to spit, but pissing works too.

It came to me today exactly what Trump reminds me of. In college I worked the night shift at a retirement home, and one of the residents kept forgetting to put on his pants and underwear before he’d come out to the common area to use the phone or watch TV. He’d just wander around in front of everyone with his old-guy j

The old “It’s not against the law unless you get caught” defense!

Trump has presented himself as the one who cares about law enforcement, the military and veterans, yet when he had to opportunity to honor the work of a man who served his country both in uniform and the political arena he acted like a spoiled, petulant child. I’m pretty sure no one expected Trump to have any kind

Oh, no! Growing up in a country with healthcare, housing, parental leave, daycare, elder care, no food or housing insecurity, in which citizens show concern for one another’s well-being? How would her grandchildren survive such a dystopian future? People not having to worry about their basic needs being met? The

What many people can’t seem to understand is that Democratic Socialism isn’t totalitarian, or Communist. It’s a system in which everyone participates for the general good of all, leading to a large, educated middle class in which people can still vote, speak, and live as they wish.

I pay taxes, and I’d have no problem paying more taxes if it meant my fellow citizens had food, healthcare and education. My cousins in Norway and Sweden pay higher taxes, but they live, on the whole, happier and more worry free lives than we do here, while still enjoying the same, or superior, freedoms. All the

You wrote: Unfortunately, those aged 50+ have the knee-jerk response of ‘don’t tread on me’. It’s easy to flip the switch on those boomers to protect the corruption of the elites.”

Because LGBTQ people are a minority community specifically protected by state law for the very reason that we (along with other minority groups) have historically been treated badly, and would still be treated badly without laws to prevent such behavior. Business owners are expected to obey the laws of the state in

“White Walkers”—pale, soulless creatures filled with unspeakable evil who ruin life for everyone. That sounds about right.

Just when I think I can’t hate the man more!

But many girls grow up reading comics too, and we also idolized superheroes, not just Supergirl and Ms. Marvel, but the male heroes, as well. I’ve noticed though, that there may be a difference in the way girls and boys read comics. I’m generalizing here, but I’ve noticed a tendency for the boys to really love the

Kelly’s comments were completely true about my immigrant grandparents: 6th grade education - check; don’t speak English - check; rural - check; no skills - check; coming here for a reason - check. The only difference is that they were those Norwegian immigrants Trump wanted so badly. The exact same things were true of

I’m whiter-than-white (Swedish/Irish) and my best friend is African-American. We both love shopping for antiques, vintage books, etc. and it’s our not-really-funny joke that it’s a good thing I’m honest, because I could easily steal the entire store while the owners are busy tracking my friend’s every move. She’s also

How kind of you to assume poor people are lazy and stupid.