
I’m pushing 60, am so extraordinarily white I make ordinary white people look swarthy, and have never been called a “cracker” or any other negative racial term. My thought is that the insult has less to do with whiteness, as such, and more to do with a person’s behavior. I’m thinking that those who don’t act like

We would be better off with an alien pod person as president. Dolt45 doesn’t even have a clue as to how to impersonate normal human behavior.

I love people who, to use a cliche, “dance like no one’s watching.” I love people who exude fabulousness, whatever their sexuality or gender identity. I love people who are beautifully open being exactly who they want to be.

Meanwhile, the Norwegians are (literally, according to my Norwegian cousins) saying, “Don’t bring us into this! We may be whiter-than-white, but we want no part of your racist shitstorm.”

Wow. You must be fun at family gatherings.

Exactly, and that’s the problem most people have with the President’s comment. No one argues, particularly, with the fact that Haiti has its issues and may not be the easiest place to live—but Trump’s insinuation was that the citizens of poor or politically unstable countries are by definition bad people who have

Also take a look on statistics about the connection between severe childhood trauma and morbid obesity. The higher someones scores on the trauma scale, the more likely they are to be obese. It’s a far more complex question than merely “eat less and be thin.” Stress, poor sleep, a history of sexual assault, genetics,

They use “boner” as part of their screen names. Actually “crimson boner” sounds like the kind of thing Viagra users are supposed to immediately see their doctors about.

No, you really aren’t.

It’s really an exercise in stupidity on 45's part. The people he’s demonizing and deporting are filling the same types of jobs my grandparents (who also didn’t speak English and, through no fault of their own, were uneducated) filled a little less than a century ago—jobs in agriculture or factories, cleaning houses,

Although I’m no longer a believer, I grew up in the church and know a number of sincere and decent Christians who are just as appalled by this kind of thing as the rest of us. Whatever we think of faith in general, we ought to at least acknowledge that a great many Christians actually do try to help the poor, not

I volunteer with a group of young adults who have autism, intellectual disabilities and/or mental illnesses—and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is smarter, more humane, better controlled emotionally, better informed, has more honor, honesty and personal integrity, and understands how their negative actions affect others

The toddler was a taker! Until he can pay his own way, he deserves nothing!

Low income disabled people are sometimes covered by both: Medicare covers 80% and serves as the primary insurance; Medicaid covers the remaining 20%. Without the assistance Medicaid provides, many would not be able to afford doctor visits, adaptive devices or prescriptions. In addition, since Medicare doesn’t pay

While I do appreciate the things Elizabeth Warren is trying to accomplish, she does emit—even to us middle-aged white folks—a certain “being lectured by your high school librarian” vibe. I don’t really mean that as a criticism, as there’s a definite possibility that I’d strike people the same way.

Also Dylann Roof and his like. Ageism isn’t any more attractive than racism or hating people of other religions, and stereotyping an entire generation doesn’t exactly show insight or thoughtfulness. It’s quaint, also, that some of those commenting think baby boomers had “everything handed to us.” Imagine growing up

My next door neighbor is a predatory realtor who regularly calls the county to check whether I’ve paid my taxes (why she thinks I wouldn’t have paid my taxes, I have no idea), in hopes of scooping up my large piece of land in a foreclosure sale. Her property had the shit bulldozed out of it in the 1980's, until only

My local emergency room won’t even look at you until you give them $100—and that’s WITH Medicare coverage. Also, a week before my Medicare started, I broke my leg in two places. They took an x-ray, said, “Yep, it’s broken,” duct-taped the leg inside a big piece of cardboard, wouldn’t issue a pair of crutches, and

So, they’re also free to discriminate against straight couples who enjoy anal intercourse, as many do? What about gay couples who are asexual but not aromantic? What about gay couples who don’t practice anal penetration but do enjoy other forms of intimacy? What about Lesbians? Basing your willingness to do (or

Or maybe “don’t be a gun owner’s teenage son who enters home through the back door on a night when your dad forgot you were out on a date,” “don’t be a pre-schooler sneaking a piece of candy from your mom’s purse,” “don’t be the elderly husband of an Alzheimer’s patient who reenters the house at night after taking out