
And "Uptown Funk" would have been about a million times better if they hadn't felt the need to give so much of the lead vocal time to the limited talents of Spencer. I mean, really Glee? You've got Jane and Roderick up there bringing the funk - the only thing Spencer did was suck joy out of the song and sing stuff

I'm very OK with this. I adore Lee Pace and think his presence adds value to absolutely everything he's in. I didn't know going in that he was in GoG but squeed like the little fangirl I am when I saw his name come up in the opening credits.

YES. This. Please?

Ricky is just insanely talented but for me there is no contest.

Agreed. I always loved Evan. I didn't think he was the best dancer of his season, but for some reason his cuteness inspired a lot of unnecessary hate.

I woud sincerely love an entire season of all-star dancing. Not necessarily for some prize, but just so we could see the best of the best trying on those different styles again and amazing us week to week.