Selenthra Moonsdirge

We had a game where our Kael’thas quit after we lost the first team fight saying, ‘oh it’s one of these teams’. We ended up winning with the AI Kael of course. (Would we have lost with that other joker? I like to think so lol)

I went to Hawaii for the first time a few years ago and came back telling people how it was interesting (to me) to be in a place in These United States where most of the people looked like me and how it impressed upon me just how big and diverse the country really is.

She’s gone the way of those who confuse fame with Importance à la Gaga

At last my Chewbacca mask will be movie quality

I probably should have ignored that

My disdain for Knucklepuck is like my dps—ENDLESS AND BOUNDLESS—so I only will refer to him as Knucklepuck. As in, 'oh great there goes Knucklepuck mugging and doing the same voice again'.

If it's not cooler ranch it's not Doritos