Yeah, the GLT in '96 was a non-turbo. It didn't have that much get up and go, but it proved to be my mother's favorite car. She took it all the way up to 100k and sold it in 2003 to get a BMW 325xi (she hated it) - now she has an Audi A5 (she loves it).
Whenever I see one of these, I am completely jealous. My mom had a 1996 GLT, which inspired me to get my 2007 S60R. I saw one of these in yellow with a manual transmission conversion in pristine condition on eBay a few months back - if only I had the money. It's now somewhere in Annapolis (according to the Carfax).
I live like 5 miles from Motorweek, and I think I just watch it with hopes that I may be on camera. That being said, THEY NEVER HAVE ANYTHING BAD TO SAY ABOUT ANY CAR. To add to that, their idea of good an bad braking distances are incredibly off par.
To be fair, it was produced last year...
That looks like a "Baby On Board" window thing in the Subaru - let's all hope that the baby decided not to board during the time of the accident.
I knew something was wrong....
This is part of the Ginger Rebellion. The day we've been fearing is upon us...
It never seizes to amaze me to see the differences in the owner bases of certain cars. Here I am thinking that most CRX's that aren't extinct have fartboxes and cheap bodykits, driven by some kid inspired by Tokyo Drift...
"thought of Volvo as anything other than a safe way for parents to transport kids and groceries"
H*** Mother******* YES. I own a 2007 S60R 6-Speed. I have no clue what the hell I will ever replace it with. This seems like the only logical choice.
Though they are very SAABish, they could have at least bothered to install 'Nightpanel', or at least moved the ignition to where the center area...