
I wouldn’t go as far as saying this is awesome. It’s FWD and has a boring, uninspired interior.


I get at least one a day...they’re worse than credit card offers. It baffles me that I consistently get them for the 2016 Jeep Wrangler I owned. It was purchased in November 2015 - yet they all say the warranty has ended!

Same thing happened to me with my beloved 2007 Volvo S60 R. This thing was a garage queen, and many people could attest that it was one of the cleanest they’ve seen in awhile.

Gimme about a year and I’ll most likely be doing that with my R I sold two weeks ago...

I expected this:

Salvo FTW. I only go there because of the sign....

Wanna buy my Volvo?

Got a little bit of an ego don’t ya?

Lol. Scion Tc’s used go from around $6,000 to 15,000 used. You can easily score a G35/G37 variant for a few thousand more, which I’d say would constitute as slightly more money.

Are there any photos of the aftermath?

Stanley, is that you?

Too bad it’s owners are pretty much the same as Scion tC owners with slightly more money (a.k.a. douchebags).

Of course it’s a Prius... I want one.

I go to school in Connecticut and half the population is from Mass and I’m from Maryland. This is how my usual ice-breaker conversation goes.

I was in Canton in August and got lambasted by like 4 other cars because I was at a light making a left and they couldn’t get by.

A rental car. It shows that you gotten the f*** out of town and flew in, only to show how much more successful you were than all your fellow classmates.

They managed to video the only guy in America still using a flip phone.