
The Taxation W/o Representation argument doesn’t hold water. It was voted on by elected representatives, so that’s out. There are a number of items we pay for (roads, schools, infrastructure, the military, yadda) that don’t generate an itemized bill whenever the gummit takes its bite out of my twice monthly corporate

But since Jobs did poorly at the box office, either a) there aren’t enough apple fanboys to float a Jobs biopic or b) nobody really gives a shit about Steve Jobs, other than people who either love/hate Apple.


“Christians Angry Over Any Arbitrary Thing Done By People”

A friend of mine used to work at a salon in the Gold Coast area of Chicago. Scottie’s wife used to come in, get her hair and nails done, fight waith the staff about how everything was awful, demand a discount, and never tip. She too was called “No Tippin’ Pippin”

“...I just need to hogtie my editor and buy up all paper stocks produced for the next 10 years. My previous books have all been far too short, and if it’s crap, I’ll still make a killing in the paper market.”

Yeah, when people are told to wait for their lottery winnings, it makes national news. If kids don’t get mental health services, or seniors don’t get their nursing care, it doesn’t matter.

The lack of experience isn’t an object lesson. Here in IL, we have a rookie govenor that made billions as a hedge fund guy, but can’t understand why he can’t just take away collective bargaining rights from state employees. As a result, we’ve had no budget since July, the state is within a hair’s breadth of going

Sounds like Bevin is on his way to get rid of all Kentuckyans, more like.

The best way to get the greatest grilled cheese ever is to marry someone who can produce one without thinking about it.

EEEEEEEEEyah-all ‘ungry-like?

They’re always ‘a little bit scared’. This is why they carry a gun. Emotional pacifier.

Roast your cauliflower and onions. Use some veggie stock and some miso paste. Salt and pepper. Maybe a bit of curry powder and a dash o’ hot sauce?

I’d take this guy home. He needs rest.

As I type this on my MacBookPro, I realize I am tired of hearing about Steve Jobs. I guess he belongs to the next generation as Elvis belongs to my generation. For better or for worse.

I shouldn’t be laughing at that.

Orange, sleeping on the shoulder. I had a cat like that. He was the best. Best to you and ginge.

This is not a new argument. Let it go. They may completely blow up the ballpark, but 2 Cubs traditions will remain until the end of time:

Lamy fountain pens. Fine and wide nibs.

Lamy fountain pens. Fine and wide nibs.

Drill: agreed, but can be found on CL as well. In fact: