
My therapist used to say this to me and it never stuck (my mother is an addict it was always hard to say no to her.) BUT then one day he said to me “unconditional love does not mean unconditional access” and THAT was a lifechanger. That was the one line of advice that changed my life. Using that I was able to finally

Hell, the way its going she may as well get a custom rubber stamp that says ‘Fuck You and the Idiocy You Rode in On’

Justice Sotomayor really eviscerated him in the dissent. Extra points to her for skipping a hypocritical “Respectfully” (though I suppose it could have been included and read sarcastically?)

It’s weird how badly we want what we can’t have.

I guess Kavanaugh's Federalist Society paymasters must have figured out that the school-to-prison pipeline could be made much more profitable by eliminating the school part.

When you are of the same ilk as Cavanaugh and the politicians who worked to get him permanently affixed to the bench, you needn’t worry about how your decisions might impact your children or your wealthy friends’ children; they’ll never make it to a sentencing phase for any crimes they might commit.

this sc decision is literally horrific. i literally just read an article about people who had previously been sentenced to life without parole as juveniles. of course, most of those people were black men because our justice system is deeply racist. i am honestly really appalled and concerned. this kind of decision

Fuck that guy, and his ugly face, and his rancid opinions.  And Squi and PJ and Tobin, while we’re at it.

“No is a full sentence” is literally my favorite advice ever. I read the Olsen’s saying that somewhere else and it’s stuck with me for years.

I don’t need to know anything else about Vanita Gupta other than Mitch McConnell and the GOP hate her.  That’s qualification enough for whatever post she was nominated to, in my book.  

I feel incredibly old now.

Assuming anyone involved in the Trump edition of Apprentice is involved, then hell no. Those motherfuckers should be dropped into the deepest pit. Try them for crimes against humanity and then lock them inside a heavily used porta potty and shoot them into the Mariana Trench. At least one of these dickheads has access

Really? Ask Philandro Castile about that.

The fact that you are able to have this reaction is proof of how profoundly fucked up our system is. A murderer getting a murder conviction should be the norm, not something to mark on your calendar as “it happened once”.

That’s a typical film shooting schedule. Shoot days are known to occasionally extend to 18 hours. Not all of it is actively in front of the camera.

LOL he has to work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week?  At what, his office job?

Republican’s can just seriously shut the fuck up forever.

Yes.  Courtney is great and I only want them to have the best in life.

Particularly tragic with Courtney, who has been sexualized from an early age. Instead of being allowed to explore their expression safely, they were basically abandoned by mom because of how they dressed.

They* but agree with you.