Oh Ok. Unavailable men? You keep doing you.
Oh Ok. Unavailable men? You keep doing you.
a woman with no female friends can’t be trusted.
Also an old as well.. we need women like you. We can’t give up. We need to carry our scars into battle. Please don’t give up. I want to see the next generation of feminist making a difference but just like our grandmothers we need to hold their hands.
She had a weird meltdown from taking something to relax (maybe xanax) and mixing it with alcohol. She apologized and I personally for one have forgiven her. (because that could potentially be me anytime I fly)
Nick has the most punchable face.
Welcome to 2016 The year of What The Fuck. Yes I spelled it out.
I think this may be the problem. Your mom may actually not be a stylish lady. Hear me out. You assume she is stylish because you have known nothing different. Its called the ‘blind spot’. She may have conditioned you to believe she is, when in fact she is not.
I feel your wife’s pain. My mother loves to give me jewelry and purses that she thinks are amazing finds from second hand shops and flea markets.
I like the jib of your jab.
Yes disclosure was necessary and without it I couldn’t have hired him. Maybe it was not right but I also have to think about the safety of the others who work for me and with him. The job can be physically dangerous if done high or while using.
Thank you. I’m trying to be a responsible employer.
My knee jerk reaction was not to even interview after hearing about his problems. I still gave him a chance to discuss his issues and where he sees himself despite these issues. Thanks for taking the time for some introspective. 5 years ago I probably wouldn’t have given him my time either. I hope I have evolved and…
Time will tell? We all have shit to deal with. I don’t want to walk away from someone who is truly talented at what they do. I also don’t want to look like a fool. Have people say ‘I told you so’ . I hate pretending to be an adult.
Don’t respond to the tool. There is a bigger reason he is unemployed and it has nothing to do with addiction or going to rehab. It is because he is a jerk and every future employer can see it. He is such a victim. I’m willing to give a guy a chance who realizes that he made mistakes. This guy wants to blame everyone…
I have been very supportive (I think) If he needs time off to go to meetings or church Im more than accommodating. . I have been as supportive as I know how but that said this unfamiliar territory for me.
Trying to make light of the situation I am a recovering asshole. Employers also gave me a chance. We all deserve a second chance. It is difficult when owning a small business. Thank you for your support in this.
Everyone who works here knows about his past and they and he are aware of that. No kids, but he does have a lot of responsibility as to the welfare of my clients. If he makes a misstep I will know it. I’m just not a trusting soul and this is going out of my comfort zone not that I would ever let him know it. Just need…
Yes this. I am putting more faith in him every day. I’m allowing him to do his job and I don’t treat him any differently which he seems amazed by. I don’t want him to feel amazed but I understand why he does. He is actually in charge of employees who also know what he has been through which I’m sure makes it more…
I appreciate your honesty. He only brought up his Jesus in the interview because I asked him why I should believe that he wouldn’t relapse. I was made fully aware of his past from his references and he made no issue with me bringing it up. I would have not hired him if had tried to hide it.
Maybe I’m a good person but I’m also a person who doesn’t want this to bite me in the ass. Not to make this about me but I guess I am. I don’t trust easily and to put faith in someone is hard regardless of their history.