
Appreciate this advice. He has been very open about why he became an addict and what triggered it. I understand it. I’m not sure what triggers he has now but he seems very open and willing to discuss.

Thank you for saying this. I’ve explained to my staff that I can and will fire him if he relapses. He knows this as well and that they are aware of his past. He has been very open with all of them. My clients don’t really care as long as their interests are being met. It’s the other people in my industry that I worry

Thank you. I feel like everyone deserves a second chance. I know I was an asshole in my past life and people have forgiven me for it. Live and learn. It is just a scary thing for me as I’m normally not a very trusting person to begin with.

Hey guys. You are the best.

I think we might be responding to some one who thinks that inexcusable behavior has an excuse. I also fell for the excuse. Whoops.

I know laws are good and all but I don’t get what is so complex about this issue and not sure why you want to bring Anthony Weiner into it.

I may run with this idea. I will give you a credit of course. I will cast Kate Winslet as Madame Curie and Leo DiCaprio as her long suffering husband. Just remember you asked for this.

I’m worried about you people? So few comments. Have you died?

I will not disagree with you. There is a wide proportionate of people who have mental illness that are treated badly by law enforcement.

I’m just going to say it and get lambasted here for saying so but people with mental illness do not get absolved of their shitty behavior just because they have mental illness. You don’t get to act like a jerk any more than I have the right to be a dick. I’m a bit tired of the mental illness excuse for shitty

Anyone else think its gross that we keep getting these daily updates on Kayne and Kim from TMZ?

Nothing new to see here. Move along to cat videos and videos of people injuring their testicles.

Asses of men I have no interest in seeing...

That is not how this works. When you consistently abuse a person, you don’t get to claim abuse when that person finally fights back.

I’m getting a David Beckham vibe. A grumpy version.

You just know that Kris is having a nervous breakdown right now.

The industry that I chose to work in has a thousands of opportunities here in the US, than in Canada.

As a Canadian living in the US legally for over 20 years I will never get over how Americans are screwed by insurance companies and the government. The propaganda that is sold here about Canadian health care is outstanding.

dagflskhfsd;ghgh;aiea;ghi;t;aighae gahiorhioeea sgihs verbal STD

No need to clarify any more than I will try and wrap my brain around why Perez is ‘still a thing’. We are living in mysterious times my friend.