
I’m not even a NASCAR (they haven’t been ‘stock’ in 35 years, I remember the days of Richard Petty and Buddy Baker), but you can go ‘eff yourself with your political correctness.  I doubt you know the first thing about racing or automotive engineering.  You may resume fellating your “life Partner”!

The brave men that fought for the Confederacy were hardly the “Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys” you seem to think they were.  Modern Americans don’t have 1% of their “guts”.

These bases’ names have a history of their OWN that has long subsumed whom they were originally named after. Rewriting history for the sake of political correctness...a fave act of ancient Pharaohs, Roman Emperors, and Communist dictators, but I never thought I’d see it happen in the once “Land of the Free”.

No, but it shows his opinion of NASCAR fans and Southern whites.  A form of bigotry which is endorsed and even ENCOURAGED these days.  Just like during the Arab-Israeli wars and the several Oil crisis events, or 9/11, it was “open season” on Arabs (many of whom are CHRISTIANS) and Muslims in general.

That’s your opinion, and like your rectum, everyone has one.  And in your case, BOTH stink.

It’s more likely an issue of retaining sponsorship and a lucrative TV contract.  The fans can respond by not attending races nor purchasing licensing merchandise if they feel that strongly about it.  A case of political correctness rum amok?  Likely.  But the First Amendment doesn’t bind a private concern like NASCAR

The argument that the 2A pertains only to the perceived firearms technology of 1791 (single-shot muzzle-loading muskets, rifles, and pistols, with powder, wadding, and ball ammunition) is both historically incorrect (multiple-shot firearms, breech loaders, and cartridge-based ammo were known, but it would take