self-loathing male social justice warrior

only toast them if they’re female children though.... because male children breaking up with their female parent is bad, because a male is involved. if a son can’t get along with his mother, it’s his fault; if a daughter can’t get along with her mother, it’s the mother’s fault, the father’s fault, bill clinton’s

women are good, men are bad..... how many thousands of blog posts does this blog need to create to say the same thing each time..??

yes, stop taking pictures of celebrities, but keep posting their sex videos on your website, right?

this exact same article could be written about okc.... as long as durant and westbrook play on the same team, that team will never win anything...

thanks for writing an entire article just to say you don’t like the eastern conference...

white people can be loud, obnoxious, drunk and disorderly and will still be allowed on the plane.... meanwhile, speaking arabic gets you kicked off...

men are bad, women are good....

his frustration is that of a man who knows he’s the reason his team will never win the championship...

in 10-15 years, you’ll be writing articles accusing both of them of looking at a woman wrong, not being happy about trans people existing or not doing enough to show us that they think bill cosby is bad....

“omg, regurgitate my opinons, just please stop having your own!”

counting down the minutes until you guys publish an article blaming “heterosexual man culture”for this.....

the real joke is that neither of these two will ever win a title and they both know it... that’s where their bitterness comes from....

if they were three boys, it would have been ok, but three girls dying for anything, anytime is utterly unacceptable! i’ll save my anger until the critically acclaimed movie starring jennifer lawrence comes out and then will convert my anger into money and a campaign to ensure that no female, gay or trans people ever

men are bad, women are good (kinja editorial policy)

yes, because the anti-war guy who joined the military and was murdered by his own country and then used as a propaganda tool by them was really good at football then and should be recognized for this...?

i can’t really comment on any of these guys until i know what their feelings on transgender gender politics are.... also, i’m getting tired of men being exploited while assholes simply pay attention to the clothes they wear..?? i have a lot of things to say, ok?? i’m not just a shirt and a pair of pants, ok??

he’s a real killer, who’s sure to run down the competition! it would be murder to miss out on this!

it better include women, because we already know that any man she may select will inevitably get a gawker article about him and how misogynist/transphobic/bad at tipping he is....

if we can ignore the terribly misogynistic announcing

everyone reading this is a much better person than this man!