
Asshole parking.

This is not impressive, he just did it 100000 times and he only posted the one video where he didn't fall and die.

uh-huh, Imperial Starfighter with propellers :)

I'm still getting over the fact that people store their naked pictures in the cloud.

I remember this scene in the movie.

Now, notice that there's no ACTUAL sea-level rise occurring. None has been measured.

I guess they cut back by just over a qatar of the games.


OMG, thank you, thank you. This made my day! I love the internet! #whenidonthateit

right! now I feel like my son isn't working hard enough.


I think Dave Ramsey has it more correct, dont focus on high interest, kill the smallest debt first. Paying off debt is mostly psychological, and having some wins under your belt keeps you going.