So you do care, then, at least a little?
So you do care, then, at least a little?
All Abourd the Hype Train. CHOO CHOO! :D
Wait... you mean women AREN’T like vending machines you just put niceness tokens into until a relationship (or failing that, sex) comes out? There’s gonna be some men super surprised to learn that, to be heard...
I am about where you are at, only with admittedly about 50-odd fewer hours. So gonna steal some time this weekend and see what I’ve missed, definately starting from scratch though. Any ideas what sort of build you’ll be using?
Minor point of contention, but I feel an actual picture of the real voice actor would be more useful than an image of a character he did work for.
Oh wow, I know what I’ll be purchasing then. That’s pretty awesome.
I played this game to Heaven and back when it first came out. I might need to revisit it, see how well it has aged. I remember there being a spiritual sequel of sorts, called Musashi: Samurai Legend which I wasn’t nearly as keen on, although I think this was less about it being “good” or “bad” and more about it being…
How has Star Trek Online changes since its first release? In general, do any of you who play, or have played it, feel like it is worth getting into now, or that the coming expansion will make it worth getting into for a new player, especially considering the new players that are likely to appear because of its console…
I might take the splurge and get this, since it’s been a while since I’ve played what I would call “a good 4x game.” But I am curious, and I don’t see it touched on this, how is Stellaris’s multiplayer? Does it exist at all? It would be fun to pit myself against a friend or two, especially if it could be done over…
“Hydra’s is one of the few South Korean players to continue playing in the WCS system following the imposition of more stringent residency requirements that have largely cut the field to European and North American players.”
Could you elaborate on this, please? I hate coming off as being the idiot in the room, but I…
Keep it classy, Random Gawker Commenter!
I think you and I remember the beginning of the internet very differently... it seemed like even back in the day of BBS, people were still dicks to each other. It was just back then, the barrier of entry was higher, which meant the level of dickery was a bit more measured and a bit more focused.
I kind of wanted to reply something snarky like “Sorry your friends get to regularly have sex and that interfears with your gaming” but I know exactly how it is. It seems like the older you get, the harder it is to get that core group of players together, and you can’t easily replace them because then you’re…
Someone explained it to me as “franchise fatigue” and I wonder if there’s some truth to that. But if people want to be heard, they need to vote with their wallets, not the dislike button. A large number of people who are not a fan of that trailer and what it represents are still going to be buying this game, many on…
“A mod that lets you marry a child in popular farming game Stardew Valley started as a joke, according to its creator,[...]”
Call me old fashioned, but I just don’t find pedophilia all that funny.
“I’ve talked to a fair number of Dark Souls 1 character builders who say they rarely even play the game anymore, but still enjoy planning out characters.”
VI? Yeah?
And 2 was about the gravity of rumors and also killing Hitler. :D
It’s closer to a Final Fantasy style of story, but it’s also really its own unique beast. Persona links to a lot of the angels and demons found in its flagship franchise, SMT, and a lot of the lore of the summons not only is the same (because they often are referencing real dieties, mythical creatures, etc) but also…