
In and of themselves, no. While the Persona games have similar, arching themes and at times have threads of plot that cross over, on their own they are all very much stand alone with their own style and theme. In fact, I’d argue a lot of people who say they enjoy this franchise do so because they like Persona 3 or 4

This is the franchise where the main character can summon a gigantic penis with wings riding on a chariot to help them fight their battles. I am not fucking kidding here; this was even in the most recent iteration Persona 4.

Octonauts get that little ditty at the end stuck in my head. “CREATURE REPORT! CREATURE REPORT! CREATURE-REPORT.”

God, and here I am complaining because I’ve bred to date no fewer than 300 Murkrow via the Masuda method and haven’t recieved a shiny one yet. (I’m not giving up though!) Kudos to this guy.


They say “Available now until May 24th” but they ran out of Mew like three days after that started, so I don’t think they are being terribly honest here.

Also, it’s sad I know enough about Yokai Watch to know that Jibanyan is going to be REALLY HAPPY when he sees all those catgirl adventurers...

I’m surprised we don’t have a way to emulate the CA card, possibly through a virtualized environment.



Why is there a fork and a condom wrapper in the background of those videos?

I disagree! There’s a very solid fan translation of Treasure of the Rudras out there, and it does all parts of the game, including its unique magic system, quite well. I’ve always thought that Treasure of the Rudras was one of those cult classic jRPGs that would likely do well on today’s markets, especially

I beat it with 3 of the characters before putting it away and not touching it again. It came across as mechanically a very SaGa inspired game, although the elemental magic tug-of-war was far more frustrating than fun for me; storywise, I lamented how which character I chose didn’t really matter as far as the meat of

Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the game that Romancing Saga: Minstrel’s Song is loosely based off of, correct? Because I played the heck out of Minstrel’s Song, even considering it’s rather unusual art choice of making everything look like puppets.

I mean, I guess instead of camping NMs, I could have gimped myself and hurt my party in the process. I guess instead of waiting for an invite, I could have created a party that would just take over and kick me once I got it together because I was the wrong class. I suppose instead of gear swapping, I could have sucked

Speak for yourself. I for one am excited to spam parties with >Double Thrust< >Mithra< >fun< >hole< wwwwwwwwwwwwww over and over again until they kick me.

Maybe they were using auto-translate wrong and were trying to ask for FFXI Moat Carp and instead asked for FFXI Mobile Phone game?

The more cosmetic items they add to this game, they more their characters look like Everquest 2, and not in a good way.

Why has God forsaken us. Why.

YES! Now I can wait 12 hours for the named to spawn so that a pair of boots will drop, ON MY CELLPHONE! Now I can wait countless hours for a party I’ll never get because I chose the wrong class... while on the go! I can fail to heal my 18-man Dynamis raid while driving home from work! I can enjoy watching the empty

Was there really anyone who was surprised by this decision? Blizzard has a specific vision for its World of Warcraft IP, based on how it has changed over the years with each expansion. That vision they hold is not how the same as what the game once was, and it’s clear (despite some of the humble lip service provided