
How many pecker pics would a prick named Pecker present if a prick named pecker could present pecker pics?

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

We need to stop referring to them as “pro-life” and start referring to them as what they really are, “anti-choice.” 

Trump’s Shutdown Is Making the National Parks Overflow With Shit and Garbage

Well, the 63 million bags of coal Santa had to deliver should put Kentucky back digging!

Nancy Pelosi this afternoon: “[so many of this administration’s] leaders have left in dismay, and the rest have all left in disgrace.”

You know what’s caused more deaths than illegal aliens? Middle-aged white guys with too many guns and something to prove. Where’s the GoFundMe for that?

The Ann Coulter live show is off to an amazing start.

It’s for probation on the charge of felony unlawful restraint, not sexual assault – therefore, he will not have to register as a sex offender.

After months of hyping him for the midterms, now begins Splinter’s political assassination campaign against Beto for the high crime of Not Being Bernie.

yep. i’m in that thread now and 1st time i saaw this one....

you come for pluto, you better watch uranus.

“Daddy, no!”

We got a grab ass over here!

If it’s protected speech, and they’re proud of it, unblur their faces.

Seriously, why are there no articles calling for Bernie to sit his ass down?

White people keep showing their true colors.

Yeah, this. I can see it being fun on some level, but only really interesting or useful to people who have some major question marks about their lineage (e.g., people put up for adoption) and want to gauge disease risk or the likelihood of accidentally fucking a cousin. If I don’t know about a genetic link to a

extras are encouraged to send in headshots.