Yeah, these evangelical extremists basically carry out a completely self-serving perversion and manipulation of a major religion, plus they add a bunch of guns.
Yeah, these evangelical extremists basically carry out a completely self-serving perversion and manipulation of a major religion, plus they add a bunch of guns.
I dunno. “Pretty in Pink” was a Hughes movie, and one of the major points throughout was that Andie’s (Molly Ringwald) family and friends were much poorer then the other people in their school.
Those problems are escalated whenever you have young men grouped together. The mindset of everyone in the frat house/sports team/military unit gradually shifts to the “bro” end of the spectrum. Do the experiment: put a nice, liberal, woke 18-year old in a fraternity. Four years later, you’ve got a raging d-bag bro.
Doesn’t surprise me either. The military is like a fraternity with guns. Alcohol abuse and sexual harassment/assault are things that are going to happen. I defy any currently serving military person to disagree with this assessment.
Rachael Ray feels his pain, too. Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off Beyhive.
Yeah, at least at “PoC” Thanksgiving, you don’t have to worry about how to deal with the idiotic uncle in the MAGA hat.
For me, it’s “industrial strength Work Bowl, after normal working hours” because my Home Bowl just cannot handle things without clogging.
Yeah, my dad was in the Army’s pretty much a frat house with guns, and probably has similar philosophies about belittling/harassing/assaulting women.
It’s official: we’ve hit a HAT TRICK for non-apologies today, guys!
Sometimes pettiness is awesome, if it successfully makes the correct target butt-hurt. Here’s some heros who went after Nazis.
“The woman involved was upset by my actions and for that I am deeply sorry.”
A herpes sore on Florida’s taint.
“I feel badly that Ms. Menz came away from our interaction feeling disrespected.”
I was wondering when all the stories of harassment and assault in the music industry were going to start showing up. Looks like today’s the day. Not every drunk/high musician is going to be able to tell the difference between a willing groupie who’s there for sex and a not-so-willing fan who’s just there for an…
Even if you’re a person’s best friend, sister, wife, or don’t know what that person is doing 100% of their time. How many wives are shocked to find out that their husband is having an affair? Unless you are literally watching that person 100% of the time, you don’t know.
You should always get permission from either their mothers, or the person they’re working for. That’s just good manners.
I saw a “Don’t blame me, I voted for Hillary” bumper sticker last week. I want one. But I’d be afraid that someone would bust my windshield or slash my tires if I put it on my car.
Even the victim accepts his apology and thinks calling for his resignation is a bridge too far:
The GOP claims to be the party of “family values”, but it’s the Democrats that have the most rigorous “purity tests”. If it weren’t for the “she’s not as pure as Bernie” types, we’d be dealing with President Clinton right now.
The thing is....between Al Franken and Roy Moore....Franken is far more likely to voluntarily step down. His apology for miming the groping of one woman was an actual apology, whereas Moore is still spewing “bitchez be lying” as more and more women come forward about his perving.