
My kneejerk response upon seeing his photo....if this kid sends in a sample to 23 and me, he might be in for a surprise. Not exactly looking like Aryan perfection, buddy.

Why are so many countries (including the US) lurching toward religious conservatism? I thought that the internet, global travel, and modern life would make religions weaker. The exact opposite is happening.

Is he not aware of how many jobs are lost to automation? There aren’t enough jobs to go around right now, and you want women to produce bigger batches of competitors for smaller numbers of jobs. Brilliant. Mark my words, when self-driving trucks become a thing, there is going to be a crisis in this country the likes

I feel horrible for the horse. #FreeSassy

Black women voted in much higher numbers than black men were 11% of the voters, black women were 17%, so they did have a bigger contribution to the outcome.

“Frankly, I think republican voting white women are a lost cause, and I just have no idea what I, as a liberal white woman, is supposed to do to get them into the fold.”

Yeah, did you see Roy Moore’s spokeswoman going around the cable news shows! She consistently referred to Doug Jones as “Abortion Jones” and congratulated Poppy Harlow on CNN on being pregnant, stating that Doug Jones, if elected, will apparently forcibly rip the baby from her womb.

Yeah, evangelicals are the worst. Whenever someone identifies as an evangelical, I assume they’re a horrible person.

Yup. I looked over all of their statements and did not see anything that is not a fact.

“African Americans and women are credited with Roy Moore’s loss.”

The first female president will be a woman of color. In order to win, the Dems need minorities to vote in huge numbers. But Black and Hispanic voters have to overcome all the obstacles that institutionalized racism has put in their path to the voting booth (voter registration laws, crappy jobs with no time off to

It’s even better than Huffpo’s “Sleazy Rider”.

Well, there’s one in the White House right now. Is that orange horse War, or Death?

Yeah, this Bill vs Donald comparison is not the way to go. Bill Clinton was a lousy human being, but a pretty good president. Donald Trump is a lousy human being and an absolutely terrible president. He’s not just bad for women, he’s bad for the entire country and bad for the entire world. I wish we could impeach him

“I thought it was sexist that “The man’s employed” was part of having one of the happiest marriages. It may be a cultural thing, but maybe they also could have shown any correlation to both partners with jobs or situations in which only the woman makes the money.”

I’m wondering if this depends on HOW the kids are raised. My parents’ generation were fairly hands-off. No breast feeding, no 24-7 monitoring, no helicopter parenting. Make sure they’re fed and educated and let them run around outdoors and play.

Stay Classy, Grassley. This isn’t quite up there with his doozy a few days ago, criticizing the poors for blowing their money on “booze, women, and movies”.

Those last two....Dubya at 49.4%, Obama at 47.9%. What....the....f**k.

“With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something.”

Maybe one of the Florida Keys? You know, visit them before they’re all under water due to rising sea levels? (“something, something, Chinese hoax”)