
That created an unspeakably funny mental image. For some reason that made me see you dramatically shimmying while levitating and imposing the wrath of milk on the world. Well not you as I don't know what you look like, but the Milk High Priestess. Because of course that is how they would settle disputes to maintain

Lolwhut?! That is completely hilarious. Sorry for making you feel the CRUSHING SHAME of not being able to touch me and being a flashy, beautiful sexual museum exhibit boys. Should we then start outlawing all outrageous displays that prompt covetousness of all sorts, then? I think luxury cars should be BANNNED! Who the


Well all their slutty slutting got them pregnant and then they felt the shame of their loose lifestyles and married and burned all the ho clothes in penance.

Oh thanks a lot for making me involuntarily flash that whole wardrobe section across my mind.

I think Kate Upton's hair and makeup are kind of a problem.

Most sex toys don't look that much like actual penises. They are usually phallic in shape if they are designed for penetration, but that's a form following function thing moreso than a "look like a dick" thing. The ones designed for external stimulation often don't look like penises at all, and could easily be

I didn't mean that it wasn't special only to people that don't get loved throughout the year, just that it's only a ruiner if something goes amiss for couples that don't do romantic things often. If there's only a very few days out of the year someone makes an effort to show they love you then it makes sense it would

I figured your dog was probably fine as I imagine you wouldn't say sort of thing if your dog was really messed up. I know not all dogs of a certain breed turn out with certain problems, but when you find out that certain really debilitating conditions wind up running amok in tiny little dog gene pools it's hard not to

The name of that is hilarious. It sounds like some sort of game that boys would have a ton of fun with and girls would be pissed they wouldn't get for Christmas.

Don't make these ladies a periods are hard cd, get them something they could really use: over the counter painkilles and the knowledge it shouldn't be that bad unless something's up and maybe they have endometriosis or something.

I agree with you. It's fine for people to be objectified as that is how people naturally see other people from time to time. The problem comes in when they're not seen as more than that in other contexts. If I am at the moment wanting to take someone's pants off to make sexy times with them I am not at all concerned

Yeah, yeah, what about teh menz! The patriarchy hurts dudes too! The blowback from all the misogyny they blast women with taking over the world is SO HARD!

I don't think that not wanting to be bombarded with commodified sexuality makes one a prude. I think the notion it does is pretty misogynistic. The mainstreaming of the bastard child of sexual shame and capitalism that is pornographic society can't possibly be anything that is good for authentic, natural sexuality.

Those things look so freaky and gross. Gag city. I can't imagine why anyone would want to fuck a fake vulva in flashlight. Whut? I definitely don't think how much they resemble disembodied vulvas helps the cause at all. Whoever thought "men don't buy sex toys. Maybe if they looked more like real vulvas they would"

Aw CUTE! Such a cute little thing.

I saw a bit of a documentary about breeding and they mentioned that breed often has a defect where the dogs have oversized brains leading to excruciating pains and tics and things. I can't see that combination of words and not think of that that now. Although I'm sure your dog is adorable.

Aw hey! Aren't they cute! Where can I get a vintage Pekingese?

If the person you are sending them to likes red roses, and most people that are not allergic do because they are pretty, then it seems to be a fine thing to do in my opinion. I prefer orchids personally, but those are tropical and expensive and I'm not an asshole so I don't hate on getting roses. They are cliche

I think that argument works well for people that are regularly shown appreciation by their significant others, but if you're not then it's obvious why this day would be a big deal to you. I don't think that's a consumerist thing but a basic sensible thing. I don't think any woman that gets flowers from her husband on