
That would be the case if child support enforcement was consistent and women didn't still wind up taking the majority of the burden even when they manage to get child support. But realistically, most men that don't want to pay it can easily avoid doing so, or at least drag the courts through the muck for years and use

I think it should be back to fucking celibacy so guys can deal with some real inconvenience, personally. Then men will properly get fired up, I imagine.

Aww cuteness!! Oh hey Echo, I want to love you and give you a home!

Really sad is such an understatement. What the actual fuck is wrong with people?! These poor animals. I barely made it five minutes in. That spaniel with the oversized brain is as much as I can watch. Unconscionable!

Damn near anything mixed with a poodle is a designer thing for some reason. Like the hilarious cockapoos that all the celebs have these days.

If it's anything like his reality show where he was "looking for love" it's hilarious. He's such a playa wannabe.

I would say the pictures are brain malware. Scary stuff. The women are posed to look like corpses in a lot of the pictures to further highlight the effect.

I can think of plenty of reasons to support alcohol prohibition that aren't vile or penicious. How about all the people that suffer from alcohol addiction, the families that suffer their presence, the people killed by drunk drivers, the people hurt by drunk lovers, friends or strangers that whoop their asses. I'm sure

Familiarity breeds contempt. Oldie, but true. The more time you spend with someone the more opportunities they have to irritate you and the less you feel like fucking them.

Nobody should judge her for not enjoying the sex or not having the sex, but they would. Because it is now expected that unless you are asexual or conservative or something you will always have sex with everyone you're involved with, otherwise you must have some sort of problem and they won't love you. Any person that

That's the first thing I thought of, too.

There's no proof that being gay isn't a choice. They've found nothing conclusively in either direction. Nobody knows why some people like people of the same sex and others like people of the opposite sex and still others like both. Just like nobody knows why some gentlemen prefer blondes, or why some people like

Well attempts to cure or harass someone into making a different choice are attempt to take away their choice anyway. If someone put a gun to your head and asked you to choose to do something nobody would say that they were allowing you to make a choice, they would say they were violently coercing you. Curing people

It was hilarious how right-wing all the "toe the party line or the other guys win! Your personal experience is not important enough to derail the whole war...lie!" talk was.

There is ALWAYS backlash whenever anyone makes any suggestion that involves not having sex around here. Like how they were like how shocking is it that Tim Gunn chose not to have sex; hope he gets laid.

If it's what he actually said, then that means that he DOES support the perspective of the people using it. I think not only these people but EVERYONE should know how little so many men that get heaps of praise for their egalitarian views really thought of women. I don't want to find I've been holding up as some sort

Well I would say it's more than a nugget of truth. And by nugget I mean he's totally right. If rapists were punished at levels commensurate with other crimes, then men would rape commensurate with the amount they do other crimes. And people wouldn't victim blame at nearly the same levels, and even when they are being

I'm sure that home-schooling was chosen specifically to foster her development into a bigot in isolation.

Oh I wasn't suggesting anyone send any kids to me; I don't like children personally. And do I feel sympathy for kids who have lost a parent? Sure. It's hard only having one parent. I grew up with a single mom. Do I feel sorry for kids with busy working parents? Sure, it's even harder having no parents around; been

That's what the diet secret is for most of them. Drugs and starving. I'm sure they eat kickass food when they do eat, but the food is never the secret to how they're so thin. And they're glowy from awesome expensive facials, lasers and professionally applied makeup. Bam! That's it.