
I don't quite understand the fascination myself. News flash: a teenager interested in fashion that can read and write. No shit, right?

Honestly I don't think it's dehumanizing nonsense as just a different perspective. It's impossible to deny that there are material and social benefits for being a wife or mother. They pale in comparison to being an equal to men with the ability to fully participate in society, but women don't actually have that if

I don't think it's harmful to pull in his statements. I think it should be acknowledged how many men that led movements for equality were really just about equality among men and didn't give a shit about women. It gives women a chance to question how many of these heroes of men should be our heroes as well and what

Don't forget all the sports wives. Basketball wives, baseball wives etc. Gotta love wives man!

No bullshit sleepover hosting is not that damn important in the grand scheme of things. And if some guy I didn't know was throwing a huge bitchfest about me not letting my kid spend the night there because I don't trust men I don't know alone with my kids, well if I was feeling less than well-rested and pleasant I'd

Yeah that's what I implied, but I would assume most adults know enough about what people do in the world that I shouldn't have to hurt his feelings for him to figure out what the concern is. It's not just like walking around outside to let your small child spend the night at someone else's house, that's a big deal

I think that they're so overburdened chasing down people on other stuff it's just not worth it for a drug with such a short intoxication period. If there's a problem with someone on that by the time the police can arrive on the seen they'll be sober, so it just seems like a lot of bother because they wouldn't be able

Shit! Did he just climb or fall out of the window? Why the hell would anyone want to take anything that made them feel like...that...?

Um no, that's not what I would tell the kids or the father; why would anyone say that to someone else? They didn't decide this just to hurt this guy's feelings or something; statistically 90% of molesters are men. That means that if you leave your child with a man he is nine times more likely than a strange woman to

Like 90% of child molestors just happen to be men. Yes, they are a minority of men overall, but still, they are very rarely women. Considering how much more likely a man is versus a woman to assault your kid I think it hardly makes someone an overprotective idiot to be wary of men around their children. My mother's

It's certainly good that your dad was not a pedophile, but it's not really fair to expect strangers to know him like you do and know that with such certainty that they are not cautious at all. Wanting to minimize the chance your child is harmed is not a bad thing and is not a personal affront.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be a huge stretch to realize what the concerns of the other moms might be and have a female friend over? I personally would be hard pressed to spend the night in the company of a man I didn't know extremely well and wouldn't consider sending my kid to do so if I had one, but would be much

I always feel tempted when somebody says something like that to say back "that's right. The inside of my uterus is ripping itself a fucking part and it hurts and I'm MAD. MAD AS FUCKING HELL. You think you're tough? How about having a body so tough it rips your own organs apart for shits and giggles. OVARY UP AND STOP

Whenever someone seems to find my anger comical I go straight past livid sot scary calm and tell them exactly how their invalidation makes me feel. Usually it's something to the effect of "I would like very much to tackle you, drown you in the bathtub and then just fucking leave you there until the neighbors start to

I'm 22 now and I remember that me and my friends used to do it. But it didn't involve bags or rope or anything. There's a spot on your neck and if someone holds it you pretty much hit the ground. We found it hilarious. I don't think we could have been so easily persuaded to tie bags on our heads or go it alone with

Cover their faces, pretend you're texting or something, and you're in the clear.

I think it's really odd that her whole schtick since that incident is talking about how much she likes her lovers hurting her. Those things put together just strikes me oddly. I know, what does her sexual preferences have to do with that and all of those things but I guess the best way I can think of to put how I feel

This thing has been my fave ever since the first time I saw it! The woman with the red hair looked like in theory she could actually dance, her friend was dragging her down!

Lol I'd watch that. That sounds like a gas, actually. Like the island of the Megans, only this time they're all Meryls.

She does look more than a bit like the sort of woman Charlie would have as one of his goddesses.