time to rationalise your coinage and notes then ..
time to rationalise your coinage and notes then ..
Hmm! Battlefield Pr0n!
Or you could just wear a pair of oversized woolen socks over your shoes.
Kids .. please do not try this at home! k thx
@tineras: add My3G you also get FaceTime over 3G and Skype video calling.
Just enable UMTS video calling for devices and networks that support it. Been working fine for 6 or more years now .. sadly that leaves iDevices out .. since they don't support it (they should)
quick question..
Having Gingerbread is nice .. being Sony Ericsson is not .. their support is poor .. I won't buy another SE phone
Apple should just allow UMTS video calling on carriers that support it. It has been working fine for years.
Cloud based? #madrumor
@sygyzy: actually .. its the "connect" to satellite part.
@pixelsnader: yep .. probably its main point of Fail
What IF they will also boot/run Android .. would you touch them then?
@stifflittlefinger: exactly
do these peripheral makers account for cases when they design these things?
How about the Ukelele Drop ..
doesn't work too well over 3G in my early trials
@C.T. Pope: Jailbreak / Cydia +My3G = FaceTime over 3G ..
US people should check out oovoo.com/mobile it will happily talk iPhone and Android speak .. no sign yet of a market leading Symbian client though.
the airline should place them both on their no-flight list ..