yep .. this is the worst "best" selection I've seen .. surely there are better? If not then Apple has a problem ..
yep .. this is the worst "best" selection I've seen .. surely there are better? If not then Apple has a problem ..
Can it juggle?
The self-checkout machines actually work quite well. Usually they have a staff member monitoring/helping people for every 6 or so machines.
he's actually comparing a photo to the real thing .. ah yes .. POTUS
just go straight to proportional representation. Ignore geography.
It needed more Comic Sans ..
new building will have patriot batteries ready to nail anything that comes close .. hmm .. might put off that helicopter flight over NYC
I'm happy iOS is bolting on those essential features of an operating system such as file in / file out .. happy day! Oh wait?! you mean its not built in? some 3rd party had to write the bleeding obvious?
all set for that Fukushima drift?
or even "Nyet" ..
Its not like you can't attach a decent Mic / mixer to it if you happen to want to use it for that purpose.
I'm sorry Network and Quality? ..
wait! you mean they want $3 for something that 3G UMTS handsets have been offering for 6 years?
Please do a Charlie Sheen one!! .. thats one heck of a breakdown!
800Mhz doesn't meet the minimum for flash 10.1
Lanedraw will be urm .. interesting ..
Yes I agree The 7" form factor is pretty much perfect for me. Which is why I have the Viao. Other netbooks were just that little bit too heavy / large. The Asus Eee Pad MeMO might be an interesting one to watch. 7" with 5Mpix cam and Honeycomb.
Thank you. Outstanding reply! I agree with you on every point.
+1 for IntelliScreen .. I also show weather on it. I also use iWeather on the main Apps Screens.
I use and recommend IntelliScreen (paid Cydia App / free trial) .. which does a few more things than this. Like show weather / mail / SMS / Calendar etc ..