
I read somewhere that this was an extension of an existing embargo of these same materials to Japan.

@rhoa23: walmart would be out of business by the end of the month!

does it come in Pink?

@seki: Thank you Matt .. I will think more carefully before posting in future.

@Matt Lyons: nah .. the US market is largely irrelevant .. hence the US press ignoring or panning anything Nokia does.

*cough* "two-thumb texting" .. you do realise that most of the worlds teens text with one hand


the guy servicing those ramen / toast etc machines is 96!

MozyHome FTW .. free online backup (up to 2G)

Next stage .. self-replication .. self awareness ..

Giant Google Maps Marker?


Looks like a straight swap .. Nokia picks up Palm employee (or 5) .. and now Palm picks up a Nokia man.

meanwhile in North Korea .. "anyone got a spare plank? .. and a couple of rocks?? .."

@badmoon: friends don't let friends "engadget" :)

@ddhboy: perhaps not in the carrier prison that is North America .. but in the rest of the world .. sure ..

Yep .. no more Engadget for me

This is why the US invades countries with an absence of forests .. sandy landings ftw!

on the other hand they give you "Face Time"

@catsmeatpotterpirbright: you actually like it? I have yet to see a good looking windows phone 7 device from any manufacturer.