Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

ok this gif is amaze

THAT IS WHY I WAS SO CONFUSED. I did a lot of googling the next day. I’m still not really sure how, but all I’ve come up with is that it doesn’t happy by accident. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Trust me, every time I think about it now, I smack him upside the head in my mind.


a lime green kia rio

Hey, That's mean: last Christmas I got a Kia and it took me all damn night to get it out of the box and put it together. Seriously, though, my precious K is ten years old and the only thing that ever needed fixing was the windshield wiper motor (and batteries of course).

I will admit to loving an iced latte with caramel sauce on top. I ask for extra sauce hoping for another swirl but beyond that would plan on paying extra. Plus, calories and diabetes. People and there wanting stuff for free.

The caramel story and imagery will haunt me.

He deserves to be punched in the face with a Kia.

There are several aspects of this story over which I cannot get. My initial thoughts were that this monstrosity of a “drink” would be like 5,000 calories. Those transitioned to utter shock that she would use her gollum precious as a projectile in the caramel bag war. And then anger that this bag of asses would be so

Except Ferrari guy. In the midst of all this evil-minded douchebaggery, Ferrari guy seems cheerful and benign.

It takes a special kind of idiot to elevate an artificial caramel based beverage into an aggravated assault case.

This story could’ve happened at my old Starbucks, it sounded so familiar. Anyone who has worked at Starbucks has met a caramel fiend. They are the same every where- always leaning over the counter and hissing about more caramel. And they always have a creepy gleam in their eyes. I remember taking the top off the

My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass

All these people need punched.

I actually e-mailed her back to thank her for submitting a long, entertaining post that barely needed any editing. I think I made one edit to that thing.

Sweet, sweet Casey. You had my attention with the LD language, my heart at your similar dislike for grody frozen lattes, and my sympathy when that hamfisted bitch threw said drink at you. Jesus.