Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

Speaking as someone whose husband was beaten to death over a decade ago: fuck you, Ed Zipco.

Nostalgic for violent crime? Definitely white

is this person white? he sounds white.

be attractive but not intimidatingly male ego is fragile, you whore.

See also: Be attractive - but effortlessly attractive. It doesn't count if you look like you're trying.

I think I have seen about 10 talk therapists in my life. Maybe more. Not a single one brought up timelines and end dates. Not one. Am I just the unluckiest depressed person out there? Also: not a single medication helped either for more than four weeks. Fuck this profession.

it seemed that she was clean and presentable, but extremely old fashioned- honestly? i bet she was just hugely practical. i mean he calls her shoes ‘too practical.’ like is that a t h i n g

I’d put a caveat on that—talk therapy with no defined goal and end date is a scam. A good therapist will help you define goals, develop a timeline for meeting them, and frankly will push you out of the nest if things linger to the point where it’s clear they’re not helping.

The piece summarizes a decade of therapy with Greta,

Oh, shit, forgot:

I don’t think most people hate on Madonna for trying to be sexy, they hate on her because she’s desperate as fuck to be edgy and relevant and she thinks that means wearing a gold grill and fishnet shorts.

Kelly’s a gifted actress. I’ve always thought it was a terrible shame she stopped doing that. This impression, even in a still, is SPOT-ON.

No I legit laughed out loud. I think it has to do with the fact that she actually kind of looks like her in that light.

I’m probably in the minority, but that photo of Kelly Osbourne made me laugh. It is literally what Rachel Whats Her Name looks like to me. So ridiculous.

This Lesbian Shitass feels the same. ‘Twas such a memorable meltdown. Here’s hoping for the best outcome for her; maybe it will be benign.

LESBIAN SHITASSES IS LIKE, JEZEBEL INSIDE JOKES 101. Duh, Barack Ebola! Get with the times! :P

I regret googling the phrase “lesbian shit ass” for context.

My first thought also. Good times. Lesbian Shitasses Forever. This news is upsetting. In all sincerity, best wishes to the family. ETA: Good news- 90% of meningioma brain tumors are benign. Hope hers is.

Well, this lesbian shit ass is sorry to hear about Mrs. Baio’s brain tumor. Nobody deserves that.