Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

If you are constantly going out with a group of people with that many substitutions and special requests?

Man, I was hoping someone was going to respond with this! Glad I read the whole thread. Hat tip, Seize.

Sure - it’s actually really simple:

When friends tell me they have a friend/buddy/acquaintance who goes out of their way to give a hard time during the course of the meal to the service staff at a restaurant, I always ask them “do you like consuming other peoples’ spit/sweat/body hairs/etc.??? Because there’s a high likelihood you have already done so

Long ago, when I was waiting tables, I had a customer who did this. Our restaurant finally changed its policy so all food that was complained about had to be returned to the kitchen before it could be reordered, on account that the lady would ask for a doggy bag because she couldn’t finish the new meal, and yet the

If your “life hack” involves making other lives harder, you’re asking to be hacked back in return.

People who use the term “life hack”, for anything, are fucking assholes.

That McDonalds story had me laughing- as a former late-night drive-thru stoner, yeah, that wasn’t weed they were smoking. You don’t get violent on weed- everything is just, you know, awesome. “This is the best Whopper I’ve ever had! Which is weird because we were at Taco Bell!”

Also, ‘dildochugger’ is my new favorite

One guy we had in particular would ALWAYS find something wrong with his food. He would order everything as take out, and then once he got the food home would call and complain that something wasn’t right or something was missing.

Ice cream of the future!

I too love dippin dots.

You rang?

"And better for storing stuff I needed to bring to a second date."

- Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades Constellation
- Pleiades is also called the "Seven Sisters"
- Seven Sisters also refers to a group of all female liberal arts colleges
- All female colleges are filled with lesbians

Well, as a bisexual woman who is currently looking at new cars (no, seriously, I am), all of the cars that I've been considering are either on the lesbian or the gay list. Does this mean I get a special rebate?

I'm a pansexual woman and I drive a 97 Cherokee.