Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

I'm not a man.

...and I still can't find anyone.

I had my kitten euthanized at home after he was diagnosed with FIP at 10 months old. He was in the hospital for a week, and he was constantly scared. Even when he was healthy he liked to hide under things to have his quiet time. The day we had to put him down he was having a couple of seizures every hour. Taking him

When I had to put my pooch down I took the day off and, when I returned to work, checked out our policy on bereavement days. Nada. So even if my parent or sister dies, I'm up shit creek without a paddle. Conservative politics can die in a fire.

My dog died in her sleep at home, I woke up to her dead in bed with me, it was not unexpected she had been ill for a while. But if I had had to put her down I would have preferred to do it at home, mainly because I am a very private person and have no interest in losing it in public. I decided to bury her at my

Posts like this make me cry. I don't know why I click on them. If my dog died, I wouldn't leave the house for a week.

On the other hand: That amazing woman! For not only getting her ass out of there, but then following through and getting him arrested for his despicable crime.

Cue the assholes coming in here, telling us she should have known better than to trust him. (I've seen that in the comments when it was a husband spreading nude pictures of the wife he was still married to. So.)

If was her I would bite the bullet find a place or live with my parents

The guy with this face wanted the world to see him fuck. Beside the absolutely horrendous criminal act he committed against the woman, ponder the fact that this guy, possessor of this face, presumed to think the world needed to see him fuck.

Tomorrow there will need to be a new one of these "The More You Know" messages.

The new one will be "What the Fuck..."

I'm from DE, a state with maybe 25 people in it, so I know Joe personally, and he is just as dope IRL.

Oh Joe, be still my heart! There are really just no words for how much I love that man!

I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum during my pregnancy and it was physically the worst experience of my life. I was on bed rest because I was vomiting a dozen times a day for weeks and weeks. It was truly horrific. On the plus side, I wasn't even a tiny bit scared of childbirth because I knew there was no way that shit

William Wallace Windsor.

i like that she's officially pregnant. not unofficially, but officially.

I edited it to "us" because I realized I didn't want to come off sounding like an expert when I am a dabbler.

Wait, hold the phone: people thought this shit was real? Y'all dumb as fuck.

It's pretty much the best here.