Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

Totally agree. I think Darlene's "poverty" is different from a poverty that is cyclical and can be passed down from generation to generation.

The human species as we know have equatorial Africa, people.

As a yoga teacher let me just congratulate you on taking the words out of my mouth. That guy is the most unyoga guy in all yoga. In my classes you can drink water, go into child's pose, ask questions, laugh, fall over, cry and/or whatever. It's not my workout it's your workout. You do what your body needs you to do.

That is literally the correct use of literally.

I like the way you think. But people don't have this nasty habit of thinking about stuff! In the 70s people used to exercise wearing black garbage bags to promote more sweating because it was widely accepted that you could literally sweat your ass off. And some people still believe that if you put a bagel in the

Whenever I see a person running on a warm day, wearing rainproof long pants, jacket, and a backpack to boot, I think, "OH GODS, WHY???" and "HOW ARE THEY STILL ALIVE???" (My thoughts include the three question marks.)

I think it's a seductive myth probably because when people who haven't done too much exercise suddenly start, they lose a bit of water weight and they associate that with being hot and sweaty.

Today in Do Not Want or Need: Disney's working on a live-action version of Dumbo, and they've tapped the dude who wrote Transformers to develop the project. Can't wait to see how they handle the crows.

I left a nice surprise for whoever buys my house, when they replace the carpet...

hahaha omg ruby rhod

I kind of want to read that. I really want to read that.

I enjoy that in 2014, luddites now include people who don't want remotely controlled hormone microchips implanted in their bodies and people who don't see the point of Google Glass. Thanks a lot, future!

I love stock photos. Lunacy abounds.

Good luck having it covered after Skynet decides it conflicts with its religious beliefs.

no that'll be the chip they put in your rectum

Your doctor can switch it on or off remotely? Shouldn't that be your boss?

Yeah, a glittery bullet made of MONEY.

To get to the other side.

I know everyone is focusing on the "little hole" one, but wtf is up with the "hot pot of gold"? Please, PLEASE tell me this is a GoT reference, and someone will be giving Robin Thicke a golden crown pretty soon.