Seize: it's about ethics in gossip journalism

That's exactly what I thought when I read that line.

I think it's the green dresses/synchronized-bathroom-hem-mishap that's getting me. That and the near-guarantee that these pictures would make it to Pinterest in some kind of something way. Asses are obviously fine (esp in cute undies), but is it cute or weird or all that and more to look scandalously at the camera

"Oh shit, when you said 'bridesmaid ass' I thought you meant.... Sorry dudes, my bad."


Everything is weird and I'm frightened.

Chocovine is great if what you're looking for is alcoholic chocolate milk and you and your roommates just reached the drinking age. (Yes, this comment is based on real experiences)

This old canard, or chestnut, or whatever you want to call it. Still just as full of shit now as it was in 1993.

Didn't you hear? It's totally punk rock to exploit women now. It's not "Damn the man!" It's "Man the damn!"

Which is sad because punk music without the message fucking sucks.

That's why she changed the subject and acted all pissed off about something else.

""He made me call my 93 year old grandma to thank her for my baby blue eyes!" That seriously sounds like something The Onion's Joe Biden would do right before offering her some pot or a ride in his firebird.

Today I saw someone post that they purposely ingest clay because it heals them. CLAY. They eat FUCKING CLAY. Can you please be that guy to them?

Whatever it is I hope it involved a criminal perv named B. Polly and a song called "My Body Says 'Consent Is For Nerds.'"

We've all been there. It's a lazy sort of day so you snort a few lines of high quality cocaine to feel more relaxed and then settle into your comfy couch with a mug of tea, maybe read a few chapters of a book and all of a sudden *BOOM* it turns into another 7 hour cocaine nap.

But seriously, I'll concede to all the

When I worked at a music store a long time ago (when people still went to stores to buy music) my manager told me that she'd read an article that people over the age of 25 yrs were intimidated in music stores and unwilling to approach sales staff for fear of being mocked/judged for their music choices. I expressed

I've never heard of her or any of her junkie antics so my first thought was a sleep disorder like narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia.