
mine should be easy to add when the PSN come back online this week..."seiven"

They mentioned them in "looking ahead" for May at the end of the article...I can't wait for L.A. Noire and Brink...I have been following them since they were first rumored

some Portal 2 and maybe some God of War: Ghost of Sparta

I lol'd - you sir win one internetz

Portal 2 on PS3 with a free copy on Steam, Brink on PS3, and LA Noire on PS3...going to be an awesome month

Pre-ordered my copy of Portal 2 on PS3 and I get a free Mac I am super excited to not have to boot into windows to play it. Gaming is better on Windows in most cases, but just about everything else is better on a mac...this coming from a guy who remembers hating Mac with an EXTREME passion until OSX came

I hope EA takes a financial beating just to spite them for the stupid online pass BS.

This collection will come to 360 when Halo comes to PS3

I picked it up at midnight and love it...campy storyline, but pacing is PERFECT and you never want to quit playing

OMG I love this video...totally made my day

ROFL...tornado of ducks, the best part is I remember when games like that were cutting edge

That was the cutest thing I have ever seen...well heard...I can't wait till my son gets a little older (he is almost 9 months)

ROFL I was waiting for the "barrel roll" so worth the mediocre acting

@NissanFlyboy: been posting for years...used to post a lot more on Gizmodo though...I mostly lurk and of course stalk you <..

X58 gets my vote

@Foohy: unfortunately I budget each week if there is something good...I have spent waaaaayyyy too much on the PSN store

@Foohy: I do...I have already gotten over $200 worth of free crap...most of which I would have paid for...some is just that...crap

@Phoenicks: I hope they try to undercut the 3DS and go with $199, but this IS Sony we are talking guess is $299

@Seiven: List other offenders:

so much crap...WHY do different countries need different covers? and why do America's always suck in comparison?