
got a 7.5 month old myself, it is hard, but possible. takes me a lot longer to beat games now...and I usually play on easy (screw trophies and achievements) and shorter games with great stories are a God send...DragonAge and Fallout 3 are still unfinished and both have sequels out now (well DragonAge II is

@killakoopa: pulled the trigger now he's dead

I played dance central on new year's eve and I have to say I was disappointed...maybe I expected too much or maybe I just danced to a crappy song (I passed it, so it wasn't because I have white boy rhythm), but it left a distaste for Kinect in my gaming appetite.

cool story...I love hearing about things like this. Always a good experience reading/watching Kotaku...screw the nay sayers and the "...and this is news?" people

@ankool9: The story levels are the only reason to get the first one, and the free DLC in the GOTY edition will carry over...if you can grab a copy cheap you can have a lot of DLC to use in the second without having to pay full price.

yep it was there last week...this week had no update due to being smack dag between holidays

No $hit in game ads are a failure...not to mention your stupid @$$ project $ has made me skip all new and pre-owned EA titles. But I will have to break the trend with DeadSpace 2...just too great an IP to skip.

yes, yes it is go and be wrong no more

@riggs: QFT...same here

I am enjoying Mafia II...picked it up for $29.99 on Black Friday (had my little brother wait in line...getting to old for that crap)

not that I was distracted by the background or anything, but is that a stripper pole in the background?

Red Dead Redemption...when a company like Rockstar can not only make a moving, drama, with a rich love story into a hit action game...but also make westerns relevant in today's society - You've got your winner

@rathat: Then a Verizon iPhone it is =(

if it is on Verizon I am there


picked up Fat Princess: Fistfull of Cake...I think it is better than the PS3 version, a lot more features...but maybe there is an update for the PS3 version (need to check)

Fillion would be a MUCH better choice than Mark Wahlberg