@laughingdog: Epic Win, hearted
@laughingdog: Epic Win, hearted
@BurnDownParis: cool, post an updated one when you get a chance
I would rather be playing [social.bioware.com] than studying for a certification
@Vecha: post your link...trade ya clicks: [tinyurl.com]
@puresewas1de: I got mine in less than 3 days (didn't check the mail on the first day...might have been one day)
@BahamutNeo: yeah, click for click?
@BurnDownParis: I like it
Best Game Company Ever: [tinyurl.com]
so are we counting down to the 15 year anniversary now?
Free copy of Red Faction Guerilla came in the mail so some of that, some Dragon Age and probably God of War III
OMG it's full of WIN!
just o save $49 bucks? seriously...aren't they less than $250 refurbed at Gamestop?
@Silellak: ROFL, OMG guys I'm trying to catch up on Kotaku and my wife is sleeping right next to me...I seriously lol'd and almost woke her up
@GymMasterAlex: you sir...just earned a heart from me =)
M.A.G. for the double XP, some DragonAge Origins:Awakening, and some God of War III...that is probably it.
I think this is the most well written, non-biased intellectual review of fanboyism I have ever read. Great job Bash, this harkens back to the old National Geographic articles I remember growing up with. No agenda or plea being made...simply great journalism. More writers like you in print media and newspapers might…
ROFL the best part is "Spartans going through motherfuckas 206g"
know when to put the controller down...the boy on the left has