
omg...I grew up on the coreys...prayer for the rollerboys, licensed to he will be missed

I have never been a huge Kirsten Dunst fan, but neither have I held disdain for her. I find this video has me liking both the song remake and her more...but at the same time the opposite, so am I back where I started?

Picked up White knight Chronicles...but I have a road some LBP PSP the first half of the weekend and WKC on Sunday

Hell yeah...not some stupid PR stunt...just really caring and getting involved. That is a company I can support

@Seiven: well that proves marketing works...I had to go and pick up the game today. I was planning on skipping this one, but between friends and these videos making me laugh...I gave in.

OMG, those had me laughing so hard...damn now I have to get that game and find those guys to play online with.

That was pretty cool...I have to give it a huge plus for the song at the end from Fallout 3...been stuck in my head for 3 days now =)

I agree bash. I will be having my first child, a son, in June; and I want to share with him some of the great memories I had as a child. Hell a lot of my creativity came from reading, not video games or movies (although I love them both) I just hope they don't end up like the libraries in Fallout 3

@AdmanCS: used my code on a US account...the site is GB, but not the redemption. It is SCEE that is putting the game out.

@Itch_kun: must have for me...I was happy that:

@Ken: don't need a euro account...played and beat it on my US account...demo was great...just long enough to keep me super psyched but short enough to make me want it sooner

@Seiven: playing through again to see if I can get different results

Just beat the demo...good stuff. Awesome visuals, the controls take a little bit to get used to, but overall this has me even MORE excited about the game.

just got my code...WOOT downloading now. I have been following this game for years now. Looking forward to the full game on the 23rd

Now playing

fool me once...shame on you...fool me twice, and uh...I won't be fooled again.

@Janglesatwest: Great movie, but the suit says A7 not 77...77 was the puppet vault referenced to in Penny Arcade if I recall correctly.

@Shrewsbury: I agree, played on my friends PC before I decided to get it on console instead, because of Games for Windows crap.