
Why do you need a special tech demo? Am I incorrect in thinking that for a to feed images to a proper 3DTV, you simply format a left-eye and right-eye image and send it in somehow? For proper shutter-eye glasses, you simply hop the camera three inches one way and three inches the other to represent each eye in each

@BlueWizard422: Street Fighter vs SNK happened because Capcom and SNK both realized how quickly the series were going downhill, and how much they needed a huge event to bring them back. (Also, groveling on the part of SNK was involved). That meeting gave us two of the best arcade fighting games that we've seen yet.

@clazzi_: No offense, but don't you basically run around deforesting all available resources, wholesale slaughtering the local wildlife, and generally doing not-nice things to indigenous populations with the paper-thin justification that they attacked the sword-weilding loony who broke into their family's camp with 6

Is it just me, or does life in prison seem a little harsh for a euphoric stimulant linked only to non-fatal malaises?

@sebast: Maybe 99.8% of users pirated the game.

@insanejedi: However, DRM has existed on PC games for years which prevented local casual piracy through requiring a custom disk or a steam-like online validation. Limiting the user to 3 installs (now 5) with online validation, disabling virtual CD's, and refusing to run if certain tools were run in the meantime goes

@Fazuzzu: The eye tattoo and harder lines helps draw distinction in the face when seen at a greater distance or when moving quickly. As she supposedly started life as a multiplayer character, these extremes make sense. The bottom character, on the other hand, is so stereotypically bland as to leave no lasting

@Robotube: Is that MTA number an average? Up here in Boston, the MBTA's on-time record is stunning...

@kwicherbichin: I never thought I would utter these words, but "In Thompsons's defense," the damage that he is referring to appears to be the damage of not providing a temporary injunction against disbarment while the federal courts hears his case. In other words, he's saying that the feds should hold off the

That really didn't seem like an exciting showcase of the game. Narration calling out hyper-exciting features like... boxes? Constantly pointing out how important speed is to the world while a character hobbles around the screen? Lots of walking, grabbing rings while walking, pressing a button while walking...

Please, please, please stop designing characters by committee. The sould of the world's great characters do not come from making them more palatable to a given target demographic so much as being infused with personality and quirks by the creator / creators. Didn't those travesties in Super come from committee too?

>>Sure the ESRB by definition is voluntary, but try telling that to the gaming companies who know that an unrated game would never see retail shelves.<<

Can we get a mulligan on this guy? If there isn't time to redo, just substitute in M Bison / Vega.

People: To be delisted from Xbox live, you have to simultaneously have an under 65% Metacritic rating AND be older than 6 months AND have less than a 6% conversion rate from demo to full.