
I don’t want to live in a world where Tim & Eric are number one and Metalocalypse gets written off as overly niche…and Venture Bros is number 5??

It’s one of the worst things to ever be on TV, period.

hot take: tim and eric shouldn’t even be on this list.

What part of the “right on red” is super exciting and awesome for car lovers? Lol it seems like they want.......*checks notes* less people to die as pedestrians, not the elimination of all cars and manual transmissions.

same stupid tired argument that gets used in gun debates all the time

nope...I left a trail of bodies stripped to their undies in my wake in Fallout 4.

It’s a lot easier to use the mouse with your left hand.

I thought that was standard procedure.

Citizen’s United pretty much killed any sort of real oversight on those markets, giving a fucking corporation the rights to lobby continues to be the giant bullet hole in America’s foot it is.

I’m as opposed to this merger on general, “Industry consolidation always hurts the consumers in the end.” grounds but like...

I’m sort of glad I have no idea what you’re talking about.