Typical NY state - liberal bullshit - wouldnt live there if it were FREE
Typical NY state - liberal bullshit - wouldnt live there if it were FREE
Most ALL you tree-hugging wimpy ass/angry/protesting hypocritical Libtards are trying soooo hard to defend this retarded bitch!
Someone needs to tell Coach there is a new thing called an UNDERSHIRT ( white t-shirt) designed just for this - - yes, really
Sometimes the TRUTH is a nasty tasting pill to swallow - - - and when it comes to baseball etiquette, I back Goose on this one.
CORRECTION: the pictures are not of a line to get INTO the stadium; they are of the line NOT to get into stadium.
Yet another example of an athletically gifted man that has not grown up emotionally - - - what can we blame it on?? - - - his daddy didnt love him enough???
Just kindly name ONE that won a ring - - - and I was a HUGE Doug Williams fan - - but he didnt run.
ANOTHER black QB that is very good at running and pretty good at passing - - has FLUNKED OUT.
Thank you! If HillRod was a male Republican the media would BBQ this hag 24/7 . . . . . .but she isn’t. :-((
He was admited to hospital with an overdoes of fucking STUPIDITY. If a player making millions can not figure to register your car, you deserve to be in jail and sent home from work for a month.
HA HA HA HA - - oh boy
If he ended up having ANY level of success as a pitcher, this will be one of the BEST but WEIRDEST stories of the season!
It amazes me how many bleeding hear liberals take so much joy in petty sarcasm and immature humor aimed at ANYBODY that is either white, male, heterosexual, older than 35 and/or of course CONSERVATIVE.
Can’t help but notice most the non-supportive posts re: HillRod are still “pending”. Any webpage here I have seen does NOT encourage views from both sides.
Dog is very cute but my eyes keep going back to Red Sox lady in blue with camera - - puleeeze cover up some of that awful disaster of a body.
Not even CLOSE to the skills Bill has . . . and she will NOT be as well liked either (if she beats Trump)