Seinfeld Quote Generator

She felt that George was somewhat of a loser and that she was the one who deserved to be married first. She also happened to mention to me that her friend had wondered if going to a prostitute while you're engaged is considered cheating.

Secretariat? Anti-Semitic.

The Jews hate grass. They always have, they always will.

I will never understand people.

Who, me?

You know, we're living in a society! We're supposed to act in a civilized way!

Bad chicken! Mess you up!

Listen, I'll go down there with you. You know, we'll tell them there's a death in my family, you buy the ticket, I'll split it, then I'll get the bonus miles and you'll get to Detroit for a quarter of the price!

I gotta get on that internet. I'm late on everything.

Hanke's moved on to Step Ten. He was spotted taking personal inventory.

No, you're not.

Well, it was the best of those movies.

Look to the cookie, Elaine. Look to the cookie.

You know, I dig Asian women.

The man makes a pretty strong bird.

You're not getting no Drake's Coffee Cake for fifty cents.

How could you not like the Drake?

It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl. Especially a girl. Or a boy.

Well, he uh, he wants to…. uh, quit the exporting, and, uh, focus just on the importing. And it's a problem, because she thinks the exporting is as important as the importing.

We've never worked together on a lie. Now, you don't understand how I work. I have a certain way of working. Jerry and I have worked together a few times. He knows how I work. It's not a personal thing, you know? We're just trying to come up with the best possible lie. That's what this is all about.