Seinfeld Quote Generator

Former baseball start Steve Genderson, has been taken to Police headquarters for questioning the murder of Bobby Pinkus, the owner of Royal Dry Cleaners at 2759 Amsterdam Avenue. According to Pinkus' wife, Genderson had been involved in a dispute with the cleaner about a stain on a pair of gray Sans-A-Belt slacks. We

You had a summer me. Whitey Fisk - the guy who snuck you into Last Tango in Paris.

You know what this has to do with? The man in the cape! I bet you he is mixed up in this. I don't trust men in capes!

Well, you look like a Lily…

I don't need you to tell me what I don't want, you stupid hipster doofus!

What is this stuff? Why do we need this stuff? And why do they make it so small?

I'm Keith Hernandez.

For I am in love with Svetlana, and I don't care if the whole world knows, except for Silvio, who would throw me out of the apartment, where I would be dancing on the sidewalk…

I got recognized the other day. How weird is that? I know. At first, I liked the attention but it's like, "Whoa! Take three steps back. Get a life, okay?"

I don't even know them. What is she, your second cousin?

There's girls everywhere. I go out of my apartment, there's girls in the elevator. They're in cafeterias, subways - so what?

I don't know if I'd trust him with a v-neck.

You know, someone mentioned to me you were not very happy with your toys growing up.

You wanna sell computers? I will show you how to sell computers!

While playing softball in the park, Ms. Midler was injured when another player thoughtlessly rammed her at home plate - all captured on amateur video-tape. She will be out for two weeks from her Broadway show, Rochelle Rochelle - The Musical.

Where's the depravity?

He got me a piece of paper saying, "I've given your gift to someone else!"

I guess we could use some food in our lovemaking.

It's smart. It's a smart line, and a smart crowd will appreciate it. And, I'm not gonna dumb it down for some bonehead mass audience!

I was going down this very road. Same time of day, going about the same speed I'm going now. There was a rock in the road. Couldn't have been more than a pebble. Never really saw it! Lost control of the bike, went flying about a hundred feet - came down right on my head. Cracked it wide open! Blood and stuff was just