Seinfeld Quote Generator

Is this the suicide talk or the nickname talk?

Worlds are colliding! George is getting upset!

Rachel! Are you there?! I got the place to myself for a few hours! Rachel! Where are you? Rachel!

The Human Fund: Money for People.

Officer! Someone took my European carry-all!


This jacket has completely changed my life. When I leave the house in this, it's with a whole different confidence.

Well, not Africa, actually. South Africa.

So what's the deal with brunch? I mean, if it's a combination of breakfast and lunch, how comes there's no "lupper," or no "linner?"

"…and the Jews steal our money through their Zionist occupied
government and use the black man to bring drugs into our oppressed white minority communities."


I got invitations to six more Bar Mitzvahs.


Do you realize that toilet paper has not changed in my lifetime? It's just paper on a cardboard roll, that's it. And in ten thousand years, it will still be exactly the same because really, what else can they do?

We've tried all kind of arrangements, but we can't seem to be friends when we sleep together.

Jackie's cashing in on your wretched disfigurement.

Cleaned out the whole west side.

It's a foreign movie. A film, is what it is, actually.

Anybody see that poster in there? That is weird, wild stuff, huh?

Well, I can't argue with that.