Seinfeld Quote Generator


A lesbian sighting. Oh-ho! My lucky day! They're so fascinating. Why is that? Because they don't want us. You gotta respect that.

That Johnny Depp, he make me cry.

I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted, cured meats.

You combined food and sex into one disgusting, uncontrollable urge.

Forget that. I got a better idea: a pizza place where you make your own pie.

Who cares? It's all so boring.

It's better than your drawings of naked Lois Lane.

Why are they using so many colors? And the numbers go up to forty!

He took it out.

So you go around telling your friends I'm not hip because I like that commercial?

"Cool" guy? What, are you in eighth grade?


I just had three shots of Hennigans and I don't smell.

Is that like the end of the world or something?

The Muted Heart

You know, sex in a tub - that doesn't work!

What, your sad little horsies? The house with the little curl of smoke? The sunflower with the smiley face. The transparent cube.

Really big. Huge. Just coming out the top of her dress - they were like, choking her.

Don't you remember, we always talked about how cool it would be to have a van and just drive?