Seinfeld Quote Generator

In his dreams.

People on dates shouldn't even be allowed out in public.

This is the guy that says he invented the twirl.

You're good with the mothers.

Alright, we're done here.

I recall the word "loser" peppered throughout her conversation.



Mess you up!

Wow! Now that guy got canned!

Hanke's moved on to Step Ten. He was spotted taking personal inventory.

They don't like to see empty seats on TV, so when somebody gets up, I just park my caboose on their spot until they get back.


If you think about it, "manure" is not really that bad a word. I mean, it's "newer," which is good, and a "ma" in front of it, which is also good. "Ma-newer." Right?

I love going to the country.

Lord of the manor.

Once you've had real Cubans, there's just nothing else like it.

A few days go by and a call is placed at a time when Sandy is known to be busy at work. Once the initial awkwardness is relieved with a little playful humor, which she of course cannot resist, an invitation to a friendly dinner is proffered.

Porn quotes.

You know, men can sit through the most boring movie if there's even the slightest possibility that a woman will take her top off.