Seinfeld Quote Generator

What was it like having sex with Adolf Hitler?

It's a stony, mineral concretion, formed abnormally in the kidney. And this jagged shard of calcium pushes its way through the ureter into the bladder. It's forced out through the urine!

It's got a remarkable texture. You'd never know it was non-fat.

Wow, that's a bitch, huh?

Yeah you did.

Hey, how come people don't have dip for dinner? Why is it only a snack? Why can't it be a meal, you know? I don't understand stuff like that.

It's a moral issue is what it is!

What the hell is going on here?

You know, you're not Chinese.

Two months ago, I saw a provocative movie on cable TV. It was called The Net, with that girl from the bus. I did a little reading, and I realized: it wasn't that far-fetched.

How would you like it if I came to where you work and heckled you?

I can't live knowing Ted Danson makes that much more than me.

She does stink and she should quit. But I don't want it to be because of me. It should be the traditional route: years of rejections and failures until she's spit out the bottom of the porn industry.

Did you see Bania's set last night? 'Cause I read on the internet he killed.

This thing is like an onion. The more layers you peel, the more it stinks.

His whole life revolves around Superman and cereal.

I'll tell you who sounds a little "Desperado."

Here's an idea. You coach a gymnastics team in high school. And you're married. And your son's not interested in gymnastics, and you're pushing him into gymnastics.

Hoo-wah! Hoo-wah!

Hey, this guy's a Commie!