Seinfeld Quote Generator

How could she look up to a person who voluntarily spends time with Bania?

You've forgotten what it's like to have no oranges.

Jon Voight.

I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating me!

They should lock him up.

Puddy has Ziggy bed sheets.

It's not stealing if it's something you need.

I can't look the woman in the face. I mean, I keep thinking that that goiter's gonna start talking to me.

If it's as good as Ponce de León, I'll be happy.

I've been dying to see Checkmate.

I've got two words to say to you, George: hot tub.

Porn quotes.

You are about to be launched via pastry back to the wedding of one of the most dashing and romantic Nazi sympathizers of the entire British Royal family.

Well you know, all you guys ever do is sit around the coffee shop talking, sit around Jerry's apartment talking - frankly, I don't know how you can stand it.

You could base a character on me.

Do me a favor. Don't even do the move anymore. You're gonna give it a bad name.

If only something like that could happen to me.

I'm lukewarm about the Drakette.

You’re not getting no Drake’s Coffee Cake for fifty cents.

How could you not like the Drake?