Seinfeld Quote Generator

You stole my Jesus fish, didn't you?

The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli.

See, the great thing about robbing a fat guy is, it's an easy getaway. You know? They can't really chase you!

I hate her like poison.

The skin seems sort-of human.

I don't trust men in capes.

Sex is about love between a man and a woman, not a man and a sandwich.

I didn't know it was possible to come out of a coma.

People on dates shouldn't even be allowed out in public.

He took it out.

It's too much car.

I'm the Wiz! I'm the Wiz!

Todd Gack.

What's a three letter word for candy?

Welcome to flavor country.

Love a is spice with many tastes. A dizzying array of textures…and moments

If he had gotten chicken gumbo, or matzah-ball, or mushroom barley, then I would agree with you. Those are very hearty soups.

Crackers in a bowl. That could be a meal.

That accent, it's so sexy.

I was duped!