Seinfeld Quote Generator

Is that Dutch?

No soup for you!

He's got a good John Houseman name.

We've been getting a tremendous response to your TR-6 mannequin.

Happy birthday? No such thing.

I'm not an orgy guy.

Let me tell you something about show business: it's hard work. You don't just write a Murphy Brown. You gotta watch the show, study it - get a sense of the characters, how they relate to each other.

"When someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are, but for different reasons altogether."

Like a full-bodied dry-heave set to music.

I am Batman.

I am Batman.

Pity is very underrated. I like it. It's good.

I'm gonna read a book. From beginning to end. In that order.

Yeah, well…I had sex with your wife!

That chimp's alright.

So Biff wants to be a buff?

Well, why am I watching it?

Why no T-Bone?

Three dollars, no change.

Raquel Welch doesn't move her arms when she tap dances. It's very distracting.