Seinfeld Quote Generator

Funny guy, huh?

Did you say, "ridicurous?"

He's a celebrity. Oh yeah, they wear a lot of furs. They're desperate, insecure people.

I don't like Mr. Newman. He is an agitator.

Hey, Silvio, look at Jerry here, prancing around in his coat with his purse. Yup, he's a dandy. He's a real fancy boy!

The explosion singed off his eyebrows, mustache - everything. He's all smooth now. Looks like a seal.

Todd Gack.

It wasn't down in, it was sort of on top.

Why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells?

It's better than your drawings of naked Lois Lane.

Lois Loan.

So, you think you're sponge-worthy?

This looks like too much money.

I went to Tufts! That was my safety school! So don't talk to me about hardship!

I'll tell you how much I make.

She needs a little tenderness. She needs a little understanding.

Well, you know, in college they used to call me "the little bulldog."

I stood in for Punky Brewster when all of you was nothing!

I remember when the librarian was a much older woman. Kindly, discreet, unattractive. We didn't know anything about her private life. We didn't want to know anything about her private life. She didn't have a private life.

This is a story that must be told!