Seinfeld Quote Generator

Nobody wants to talk to you, so why don't you just drop dead?

I would say when the nipple makes its first appearance.


I once broke up with someone for not offering me pie.

The key word is "tasteful."

Ted Danson?

I get the feeling when lesbians are looking at me, they're thinking, "That's why I'm not heterosexual."

Fragile Frankie Merman?

I hate exclamation points.

What the fuck are you doing, you little piece of shit?!

I had to do it.

The smell - it's still with you, huh?

Stick a fork in me, Jerry. I'm done.

Look at me! I'm all covered in oregano and parmesan, and it's sticking to me because of the butter! Look at me!

One fine-looking, sexy lady.

Oh, it be.

He's a mimbo.

He took it out?

You unwittingly made a major commitment.