Seinfeld Quote Generator

I've been working out. I’m huge.

The next condo president of Del Boca Vista, Phase Three.

That's your problem. You should be.

Ok, so I go to meet Jerry Seinfeld at this horrible coffee shop, right? And he's like, "Hey, stop doing YOUR shoW." And I'm like, "HELlo! It's a free COuntry." So then he goes. "Okay ShMootsiE," and he starts pulling at my sweater right? He's getting, you know, Hands Across AMERICA.

So you don't cry when your grandmother dies, but a hotdog makes you lose control?

Then when my father slides the door open, I'm in the van kissing his brother's daughter.

Well, they're not mine.

When are they gonna have the flying cars, already?

Are you just saying you want to have fun, or do you really want to have fun?

Are you serious?

How about, it sucked?

Yeah you did! You classed it up!

He could've had any woman in the world, but none could match the beauty of his own hand.

Go get 'em, Death Blow!

I don't think so.

You know, when you hold it in like that you can cause a lot of damage to your bladder. That's what happens to truck drivers. They hold it in all the time. Eventually it starts coming out involuntarily.

Shut up, you old bag!

Oh, poor Blossom.

Nobody ever called me breathtaking before.

Tennis, anyone?